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We're Group Of Certified Law Professionals

we have helped countless maritime workers and their families go up against the largest offshore companies and win.

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Welcome to Attorney Law -
Lawyer & Law Firm Company

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Although we are located in Brooklyn, our maritime lawyers are proud to help the injured throughout the nation, including workers who were working in foreign waters at the time of the incident go up against the largest offshore companies and win.

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Our Practice Areas

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We are a group of civil litigation/trial attorneys who focus on providing a justice based on the issues relating to insurance defense, insurance coverage, bad faith, insurance fraud and criminal litigation.

Business Law

Be aware of new developments, as laws and rules often change based on the situation.

Construction Law

Never judge, just listen and advise. Even if your client has made a bad decision in the case.

Car Accident

Being untruthful will get you nowhere and give you a reputation of the dishonesty in law.

Wrongful Death

Keep yourself up-to-date on your area of law. Be aware of new justice, as laws and rules.

Criminal Law

Our attorneys are fully committed to providing you with the support and attention that you deserve.

Family Law

You may find yourself unable to work or complete work-related responsibilities safely.

Fighting to get what
you deserve


Our board-certified family law attorneys work to achieve a fair and timely resolution of the legal issues in your case.

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Trusted Clients

Number of clients we've

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Successful Cases

Largest winning value


Criminal Defense Case Served


Meet the Partners

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We Are Top Lawyers And History

2000 – Establishment of the Company!

The origins of lawyers and the first founders of law make their appearance in Ancient Greece and Rome.

2006 – Together we Build

Lawyers in medieval times found themselves struggling to make a living as the legal profession collapsed in the western world.

2008 – Completed 10000 cases

When did lawyers first start practicing in the United States? It's important to understand that the history of attorneys.

2011 – We are Number One

Eventually, the prejudices against lawyers started to fall away and the legal profession began to gain respect and power.

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We Are Specialised And Experienced


Keep yourself up-to-date on your area of law. Be aware of new developments, as laws and rules often change based on the situation and new cases are being decided every day.

Divorce And Family Cases 75%
Property And Construction 80%
Banking And Finance 75%
Accident & Wrongful Death 90%

Client Opinions & Reviews


Could you please thank Paul personally for me, the stars are for his forehead. The perfect way of handling the case based on the situation.

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Private Employee

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Hannah Butler

Business Sector


Attorney law firm really helped me with all my family law and custody issues at the right time. Words are not enough to thank the firm.


Thank you for the way in which your team handling the matter on a perfect way. They give me a big relief in this case with more confident.

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Phillip Arnold

Bus Driver

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Joshua Warren

Private Engineer


I frequently check the Best Lawyers list to select an attorney in areas too familiar with at the end they came and lead to achive the justice.

Our Experienced Attorney Are Ready To answer any questions

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John Turner

Civil Attorney
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Martha Black

Associate Attorney
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Brian Gomez

Titular Attorney

Our professional Expert law team is always ready to serve you


We're always available for new cases big or small. Send us an email and we'll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday.

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You can get free consultation and case evaluation from us via the following contact number

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Recent Blogs

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Corporate Law | Friday, February 4, 2022

The Difference between Information & Legal Advice

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Corporate Law | Friday, February 4, 2022

How to Tell Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident

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Legal Advice | Friday, February 4, 2022

When Sue Outside of Workers' Compensation

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Social Justice | Friday, February 4, 2022

Social Media Postings Lead to Defense Verdict

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Corporate Law | Friday, February 4, 2022

Riding solo to the rescue of her beloved nonprofits

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Legal Advice | Friday, February 4, 2022

Case Filed on Behalf of Injured Tugboat Worker

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Social Justice | Friday, February 4, 2022

How Companies Choose Legal Representation

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